Spayed (Uškopljena)
A comic set in the world so familiar, so much like ours, yet... so different.
Updates every 15th of the month, releasing a short chapter.

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'Spayed' is set in a vibrant world so like ours, yet so different. Populated with animal folk, it, paradoxically... revolves around humanity... which isn't even certain to have ever existed. Man is a Master, a God, and the world was created in His image... but does everyone ascribe to that belief? The same belief that a good, faithful, devoted dog like Hannah holds?This is, first and foremost, a work of love. This world was born out of DND adventures me and my girlfriend have. Thank you, Nea. You once said I was the 'fun version of your soul'. I think the opposite is true.
'Uškopljena' se odvija u svijetu toliko sličnom, a toliko različitom od našeg. Kao što je i Bog stvoren na čovjekovu sliku, tako je i ovaj svijet. Iako je ispunjen životinjama, one su nalik nama. Čovjek je Gospodar, Bog, Stvoritelj. Ali... vjeruju li svi u njega, kao Hana, dobar i odan pas?
Ovo djelo je, prvo i prvo, rad stvoren iz ljubavi. Svijet u koji ćete ući nastao je iz DND avantura mene i moje djevojke. Nea, hvala ti. Jednom si rekla da sam ja 'zabavna verzija tvoje duše'. Mislim, pak, da je obrnuto.

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Chapter One